Saturday, March 22, 2008

10 Miles per Teaspoon

Yes, it's been forever since I've posted. But anyway, things have been busy, as those who know me will know. Thought I'd try to get back to the swing of things if I can. So, I was just doing my usual Saturday morning net-surfing and reading about various top news of the week, when I chanced upon this article in the Yahoo! Green section about a recent competition for ultra-efficient vehicles where the winning entry was able to get 7,000 MPG. Yes! That's seven thousand miles per gallon, no mistake, or about 10 miles per tsp. That's pretty incredible. Sure, the vehicle is super lightweight, rides on bicycle tires, and is probably pretty incredibly impracticle. But the fact that we can get such great efficiency from an internal combustion engine makes us wonder what this "fuel crisis" is really about. Blogger 004 and I have for years talked about how people don't really make changes unless they're forced to. This is another example of such mentality for which we unfortunately are all at fault.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Horseshoe Falls

So, the past week, my folks finally came to the Midwest to visit us for the first time since MM and I have been here. Now that Baby Moc has arrived, I guess there's more incentive for them to visit. Anyway, since Niagara Falls is only a short drive away, we thought they'd have more fun if we sojourned there for the weekend, which was what we did. This is a view of the falls from our hotel, which was only a few hundred feet from the water. Pretty nice!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Music Genome Project

So, there's another cool site I found. It's called the Music Genome Project, and it's basically a online internet radio that allows you to listen to your favorite music. Check it out by clicking on the title.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Well, after a brief hiatus, I'm back. Thought I'd include this interesting link for people to check out.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Mr Moc on Xanga

Well, since MM and RD found another blog site, I've created one there as well. Take a look!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Yahoo Answers

If you happen to look in the side bar of my blog, you'll notice that there's a new tab for Yahoo! Answers. I've been hanging out and checking out things in there, and answering a few questions. Apparently people have all kinds of questions out there and they post tons of things in there daily. I thought it might be fun to anonymously answer some of the questions which I happen to have some expert knowledge in. Check it out if you get a chance. Obviously, there are lots of stupid questions and answers along with some pretty interesting ones. Hopefully, my answers are few of the smarter sounding ones. :P

Monday, September 11, 2006

Windy Weekend

This weekend MM is back in LA again! I had some time to myself, so in addition to doing some chores I went out to the Lake and decided to go kite flying! The weather was mild, but there were strong gusts of up to 18 knots (storm heading into town).
So anyway, caught a few pictures of my poor kite, struggling to fly in the gusty wind.
004 should appreciate my kite though!